10 Tips to Simplify Your Holidays (Part 1)

Fluffy snow, twinkling lights, carolers, crackling fireplaces…the holiday season and all its beauty is at hand. So are the crowded stores, the multitude of get-togethers, the endless baking and the blown budgets. Sure, you love the holiday season, but how do you stop the madness? This year, it’s time to simplify your holidays by doing less and enjoying more. Here are 10 tips to making this joyous season the best ever!

  1. Let go of perfection– Don’t put too much effort into making everything perfect. All of the holiday ads and commercials are designed and prepared by professionals with huge staffs. Since that’s probably not in your budget, set more realistic goals for yourself. Accept that things may go wrong: you might run out of a dish, someone may not like their gift, and one of the kids may have a melt-down. Be prepared for imperfection and focus on the traditions and items that are important to you and your family.
  2. Prioritize– Make a list of things that need to be done and by when. Whittle it down to things that are necessary. Once it’s completed, don’t add any more to the list. At the end of the day, if it won’t make or break the holiday season, it’s not worth stressing about. Remove it from the list.
  3. Shorten the gift list– It seems that cash is tight for everyone these days. There are many ways to make the holiday season special without adding stress to your budget. Focus on the spirit of the season, memories of holidays past and time spent with family and friends. This year, think about limiting gift giving to children only or exchange names among the adults. Set the price limit per person first, then, start focusing on the perfect gift. Be creative! The cost is not as important as the intention.
  4. Don’t recreate the bakery– Don’t spend hours and hours trying to prepare all of those “necessary” home-baked holiday treats. Supermarkets, bakeries and discount warehouses are great sources for delicious, pre-baked holiday treats, freeing you up to spend a little more time enjoying the season.

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