Top Seven Weight Loss Success Tips (Part 1)

Is Your Goal To Lose Weight This Year?…the Top 7 Weight Loss Success Tips are HERE…

  1. Define Your Goal – When setting a goal, be specific and concrete. In other words, don’t simply resolve in your mind to ‘lose weight’. Instead write down the number of pounds you want to lose on a piece of paper or a dry erase board and post it in a place where you will see it several times a day, like on the refrigerator or on the bathroom mirror.
  2. Don’t Overwhelm Yourself – When choosing the number of pounds, you want gone, remember, losing just 10% of your body weight has huge health benefits. So, start there; lose 10% …and then another 10%…and then another until you reach your ultimate goal. Step by step successes will fortify your self-confidence and help you to forge on.
  3. Visualize the End Result – Have a picture of yourself when you were 15 or 20 pounds lighter? Dig it out and display it where you will see it multiple times a day. Keep in mind that what you can conceive and believe, you can achieve; visualization is key!
  4. Choose Your Plan for Losing Weight – There are lots and lots of diet plans out there but, naturally, we think the Pounds and Inches Away Program is the best. Choose your start date, keeping in mind that the first two days of the program are the ‘load’ or ‘gorge’ days, when you eat lots of ‘fat filled’ food. Be prepared to move on to the low-calorie phase by stocking up on the fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins from the allowable food list. You’ll also need a food scale to measure out 100-gram portions.  Read more…