How to Fix Bad Breath on the HCG Diet

One fairly common side effect on the Very Low-Calorie Phase of the HCG Diet is bad breath. There doesn’t seem to be any chemical reason for this. We believe that the main reasons people feel they have bad breath on HCG are that they are using more spices (like garlic and onion powder) than usual, and they aren’t eating as often, so the bad breath is more noticeable.

Since you can’t have gum or mints on Phase 2, here’s what we suggest trying to fix any HCG bad breath problems:

  • Brush your teeth up to 3 times a day (but no more than that or else receding gums and tooth sensitivity could become problems)
  • Rinse with plain mouthwash (check the label for added sugars)
  • Use a couple drops of Peppermint Stevia as breath freshener
  • Gargle with hot salt water or lemon water

We hope these bad breath tips for HCG help!